06-19 84 86 88 - info@ontdekjouwstem.nl

Why do we use movement and sound to process emotions?


Emotions regulate us. They give feedback on thoughts and conclusions, that you express yourself or that others try to convince you of. If those do not match with your values, emotions arise. You have the duty to protect yourself by living your true essence. So you change that new belief. It could help to tell the person you speak with. 


If you are not capable of processing our emotions and we hold back, in words and behaviour, and adjust ourselves, the emotion or event gets stuck in our body. Part of our energyfield freezes and could cause pain or an illness.


There are different ways to deal to transform emotions. A clear insight can help. However, We experience it is often not enough to change your mood: a pattern of negative thoughts can stay active. The mind likes to control. We experience that movements and sounds bypass the mind and generate the insight in a different way. 


Your body, every cell, has an inner consciousness and intelligence. Your own sounds and movements are energy. They have different qualities. They can beam like light with any favourite colour. They flush your veins and muscles like water. They can fill up all the spaces between your cells and organs. You can sense the sound vibrating in your bones and any other tissue.


Movements and sounds function as a torch and magnifying glass. When you accept your emotion, let’s say fear, you can invite it with loving caring sounds and movements. You sense the location in your body. By allowing the sensations fully and asking the right questions the bodypart and the emotion will give you information, insights about beliefs that do not serve you anymore. When you replace them with a supporting belief, touch, and compassionate movements and sounds you can comfort, heal your self and transform your life.

Actueel workshopaanbod

  • Seen & Heard with confidence
  • 'Klink rijk, spreek dynamisch' voor Sprekers 

Workshops in Soest

  • Online
  • mini (3,5 uur)


Workshop 'Klink rijk, spreek dynamisch'



Wil jij in een vergadering makkelijker het woord pakken? Beter gehoord worden en je toehoorders meenemen zodat ze jouw verhaal onthouden en jou en jouw visie beter leren kennen ?

Wil je in je presentatie of als actrice rijker klinken? Je stem meer body geven? En je eigen klank verder ontwikkelen? Of heb je een andere vraag?


Kom kennis maken met deze fysieke methode die je zintuigen prikkelt. In een kleine groep van maximaal 6 studenten. 


Ik zing pop, soul, jazz en chansons, heb veel (muziek)theater gespeeld en gezien en werk aan een eigen muziektheaterstuk.


Meld je aan via een mail: info@ontdekJOUWstem.nl.



Workshop Seen & Heard with confidence      May 15 at 19 o clock (CET)


Are some social situations a challenge for you? Are you not at ease at parties or meetings, or with friends? Are you not able to express yourself confidently? Do you lose joy and your energy? 

You are not the only one, many people experience. Now we work more online, and communicate more through social media and apps, we tend to lose capabilities to communicate directly.


Your body is wise and can help you with movements, posture and giving sound.

It is light and heals on a deep level at the same time. Scroll down for more background on our methods


online workshop "Seen & Heard with Confidence” where you'll learn practical techniques to remain true to yourself, keep your energy, and radiate who you really are takes place on May 15, 2024 (Wednesday). Time: 19:00 - 20:45 CET.

In this intimate workshop, limited to maximum14 participants, you'll discover how to:

  •  Navigate social settings with ease
  •  Cultivate the confidence to speak up
  •  Embrace your authentic self


The trainers are my friend Anastasia Vysotskaya, Embodiment Coach & Movement Art Therapy Facilitator (https://www.anastasiavysotskaya.com/) and me, Voice Coach & Healing Voice Trainer, (http://ontdekjouwstem.nl/ ). We know each other well from our education Tamalpa Life/Art process in California.


This workshop is donation based 20-40 Euros. Secure your spot via this Registration Form

Like to get to know us first? Watch our  FREE 40min introductory session .



Take the first step towards a more confident you. Maybe a friend could benefit from this? Please play it forward!